Alex & Me - Outside. A large experimental mixed media work/wall composition with photographs, 2018. Arches paper, acrylic and medium, handwritten personal text, overpainted gelatin silver work prints and line drawing, masking tape and graphite. 213cm x 427cm. The title refers to the text contained in the piece, the structure and language of which reflect his latest experiments in collage practice. For this wall composition, Pfaff has drawn from an additional archive, "Blue Diamond", made when his contact with Alex was irrevocably broken. It is an installation where Pfaff uses the photographic medium to gather up and acknowledge the lives of the people and the places he and Alex passed through on their journey, previously unexamined until the making of this exhibition. America stands as a grey-black-blue memory, a strong and steely omnipresence in the iconography of the flag and the anonymous lives of others. Francesca Seravalle, project curator - James Pfaff, The Tabula Rasa Process. Realised as an installation work and foreseen as an artist edition. Unique work.